You Pick: Simple Rules for Living

Why Rules?

Are rules something that makes you squirm a bit? A bit of an aversion to limits and constraints, maybe? Well, buckle up because I'm here to show you that rules, when done your way, can sprinkle some magic on your lifestyle design and make success a smoother ride.

In this context, rules are like the guiding principles for how you want to roll in life. They're like trusty sidekicks, making decisions a breeze and letting you pre-decide actions, saving your precious time, energy, and focus.

Remember our chat about the critical role these resources play in living your best life in the Lifestyle Design Basics? Well, today, we're diving deeper into the Rules chapter of the design handbook. My aim? To make this rule exploration a blast for you, approaching it with all the enthusiasm in the world. Ready? Let's dive in! 🚀✨

Rules 101

When you establish some fundamental living rules, don't be surprised if they end up boosting your life instead of putting it in a straitjacket. In the world of lifestyle design, these rules are like trusty sidekicks – they're go-to principles that sweep away time-wasting activities and dial down decision fatigue.

Now, if you're not familiar with decision fatigue, it's like a mental drain caused by non-stop decision-making. As the day rolls on, your decision-making mojo takes a hit. Ever noticed it's tougher to stick to good habits by the day's end? Yep, blame it on your brain feeling a bit worn out.

The beauty of rules is that they come to the rescue. Here's a little nugget: the more things you can pre-decide, the less mental bandwidth you need for routine decisions. That leaves you with more focus and energy for the bigger decisions life throws at you.

Picture this: I once made a rule that all my work outfits had to involve black pants. Might sound a bit quirky, but it meant I didn't waste brainpower deciding what pants to wear – just grabbed the next black pair. Bonus? Every top, shoe, and accessory automatically matched because, well, everything goes with black. Less time spent fussing over outfits, one less decision each day. It's simple, maybe a tad silly, but it worked wonders for me. 🖤✨

Some Suggested Rules

When it comes to simple and enjoyable rules for living, I'm a huge fan of Kendra Adachi's Lazy Genius Principles. I've read her book twice and regularly tune in to her podcast. Trust me; both are highly recommended. Even though Kendra is in a different life season (with school-aged children), I've managed to apply several of her rules, and who knows, some might resonate with you too.

  1. Decide Once:

    • My black pants fall under this cool principle.

    • Make simple rules for routine things and stick to them.

    • Examples like Meatless Mondays and Taco Tuesdays showcase deciding once about the general menu for specific days, simplifying daily choices.

    Pro tip: Create rules for routine matters and stick to them. If they no longer serve you, feel free to tweak them.

  2. Set the Stage for Success:

    • Kendra calls this the Magic Question - What can I do now to make things easier later?

    • Prep things in the evening for a smoother morning.

    • I set up my morning routine essentials at night, making my mornings seamless.

    • Anticipate what can be done before or after work to enhance efficiency.

    Think about it: What can you do now to make later tasks more manageable?

  3. Everything in its Place:

    • Stop wasting time hunting for stuff.

    • Put things where they make the most sense.

    • Consider where you use items the most and keep them there.

    • Pay attention to what's not where it should be during your day.

    Try it out: Keep frequently used items where they make sense, even if it means having duplicates in different areas.

    The key: Streamlining the little things frees up your energy for what truly matters—time, energy, and focus well spent. 🌟✨

Filter Rules

The earlier examples of rules were all about simplifying life with straightforward adjustments. Now, let's dive into a different realm of rules—ones that act as filters, determining what gets airtime in your life. I like to call these the "what's in" and "what's out" rules.

Consider what is permitted to occupy your time during different parts of your day. What's "in" during your morning routine, and what's a definite "out"? For instance, is scrolling through social media out during your mornings but in for your evening wind-down? Are you responsive to emails after 5 PM and on weekends?

News-watching— is it in or out for you? Personally, it's always out for me. I have this robust negativity filter, so all news and most reality TV fall into the out category. They simply don't get airtime in my world. I've even set up filters for conversations with certain people who tend to dwell on the negative. Two of my brothers and my mom are professional worriers. I navigate discussions away from their latest worries, opting for game nights and planned activities to keep the focus away from what's wrong with the world.

So, what filters do you need to put in place to support your ideal lifestyle? 🤔✨

Primary Questions

Let's wrap it up with the last category of rules, a kind of "rule of thumb" or all-purpose rules presented in the form of questions.

First off, consider having one or two go-to questions that simplify decision-making. Think of something like "What would (insert someone you admire) do?" Your role model often offers a clear perspective, helping you make decisions by imagining what they would do in a similar situation. This different viewpoint can often illuminate the best decision.

Another fantastic question, borrowed from Kendra, is "What matters most in this area?" Once you have an answer, you can direct your focus toward things that support the main outcome and eliminate other distractions.

For instance, when I was figuring out how to maintain my fitness level, I asked myself, "What matters most?" The answer: movement that is fun. That wasn't always my answer, but it is now. With fun in mind, things like boot camps are out for me because they don't match my idea of fun. I discovered a fantastic walking workout on the Peloton app called "Walk and Talk" with Matty Maggiacomo. His humor during walks adds a fun factor that I look forward to weekly. Using the "fun factor" as my primary rule, I decide on other workouts.

By having fun as my top rule, many other forms of fitness are ruled out, saving me time and mental energy. In the past, the length and effectiveness of the workout were my primary rules, but things change. With the "name what matters" question in mind, you can easily adapt your answers while keeping the same question. 🌟✨


Can you spot the value in rules now? My wish is that you're feeling inspired to test out these various rule forms and create ones that nudge you toward living your dream life with more ease. Say no to wasting time on routine decisions or getting stuck in overthinking. Instead, have a handful of go-to rules and questions that steer you along your path effortlessly. 🚀✨


  1. Rules for Simplification:

    • Introduce straightforward rules for routine decisions.

    • Example: Decide once for recurring events like themed dinners.

    • Don't waste time on routine decisions; have a few go-to rules and questions.

  2. Set the Stage for Success:

    • Ask the Magic Question: What can you do now to make things easier later?

    • Prepare in advance for smoother mornings and evenings.

  3. Everything in its Place:

    • Avoid wasting time searching for items.

    • Keep frequently used items where they make sense.

    • Streamline to free up energy for more significant tasks.

  4. Filtering with "What's In" and "What's Out" Rules:

    • Define what is "in" or "out" during different parts of your day.

    • Tailor rules based on your preferences and priorities.

  5. Implement Guiding Questions:

    • Use questions like "What would (someone you admire) do?" for decision-making.

    • Ask "What matters most in this area?" to filter distractions and focus on priorities.

    • Keep the questions flexible, adapting answers as priorities evolve.

Remember, these actions are designed to simplify decision-making and enhance your daily life. 🌟✨


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