What is Lifestyle Design?

Lifestyle Design - the Basics

Lifestyle Design might sound like this fuzzy, complex concept, but if we break it down, it's basically about deliberately choosing how to use your precious resources like time, energy, and focus. The catch is, many folks don't think they have control over these resources and end up missing out on the whole lifestyle design journey.

But guess what? Even if you're grinding away at a 9-5 job, you can still lead an intentionally designed life. My hope is that after reading this, you'll feel a little spark in your soul, ready to take that small step towards lifestyle design. Trust me, it's a heck of a journey, and you won't regret treading the path less traveled.

Now, I'll be real with you. I once thought living intentionally was impossible while stuck in a regular day job. Thanks to Tim Ferris and his "4-Hour Work Week," I got super pumped up. But then, reality hit because his version of an intentional life didn't align with my world of being a full-time worker, main breadwinner, raising two kids, and living a pretty traditional life.

I felt kind of deflated and put off the whole intentional living thing for way too long. Like, ages.

Here's the thing I realized later on: Tim Ferris was just showing us HIS version of an intentional life. There are as many versions as there are people. You don't have to be into jet-setting, luxuries, or running your own business. Those are cool options, sure, but there's no one-size-fits-all here.

Let's kick things off by figuring out what intentional living means to you. Once we've got that down, we can dive into taking that first step. Deal? 🌟

The Elements of a Lifestyle Design

Alright, breaking it down from the basics, there are three key ingredients - intentionality, decision-making, and handling your resources.

So, as you embark on this life-design journey, the first step is to nail down a few things about how these three components play out.

  1. What's cooking in the intentions department?

  2. How's the decision-making game plan looking?

  3. What's the strategy for using those limited resources of yours?

Ready to dive into this intentional life blueprint? Let's get these answers flowing! πŸš€

What are your intentions?

Alright, buckle up for the ride because this is the big one: What does living intentionally actually look like? Tim Ferris is all about globe-trotting non-stop, Tony Robbins aims for empowering the masses, and for me, it's having the freedom to dive into something I genuinely love.

Keep it easy-breezy when crafting your vision. How does life on your terms look in a nutshell? The broader you go, the more avenues open up for success or fulfillment. Let's simplify that grand vision of yours! 🌈

How will you make decisions?

Alright, let's tackle the decision-making game. Another way to put it is: What's on your "in" list, and what's on your "out" list when it comes to living your ideal lifestyle? These are like your pre-established rules that guide your behavior, helping you navigate different aspects of your life.

Now, quick heads-up, your rules don't have to be all about where you are physically. You don't need to convert a van into your home or sail the seas to live intentionally. Your home could be a factor or not, totally up to you.

For me, my home rules were simple:

  • Small home in a safe, dog-friendly community with walkable streets.

  • Low maintenance livingβ€”no lawn mowing, easy-to-clean interiors.

With these rules, I can pick and choose where to live without much fuss. Oh, and my daughter and I have this funny yet effective rule: "If we can't lift it, we don't own it." This applies to furniture – keeps things light and easy to move.

Now, let's talk about rules for different areas of life. Take behavior, for example. Here's a glimpse of my rulebook:

  • Out - Excessive drama and negativity. No daily news binges for me, thank you. Also, no violent TV or most reality shows.

  • In - Sources of inspiration. Courses on mindset and creativity, subscriptions to Hay House and Skillshare – gotta keep the positivity flowing.

  • In - Better word choices. Being mindful of my language, avoiding exaggerations, and choosing more accurate words.

Your list will grow over time, trust me. And it's not just about where you work; it's about how you engage with work. Check these out:

  • Out - Gossip. Walk away from water cooler chatter or situations that can drag you into gossip.

  • Out - Stirring the pot. Avoid adding fuel to negative conversations. No blaming or sharing stories that add stress.

  • In - Kind acts. Spread positivity by doing a good deed or giving compliments daily.

  • In - Find the good. In every situation, look for a positive side, no matter how grim. Remember how much good came out of the COVID mess?

Feel free to jot down your rules, and don't worry; they'll evolve over time. Ready to dive into rule-making mode? πŸ“œβœ¨

How will you use your resources?

Alright, let's dive into how you manage your precious resources of time, energy, and focus.

When it comes to priorities, there's a whole buffet of options: family, career, community, health, finances, and so on. Now, it might seem like everything's a top priority, but try narrowing it down to 2-3 key ones that align most with the vision you've laid out.

For my recipe of a life filled with freedom and meaning, health, finances, and my mission take the spotlight. So, my time, energy, and focus are dedicated to keeping my body and mind strong, earning enough to be financially free, and spreading the word about lifestyle design through my business.

No jet-setting or luxury living here because those aren't my jams. Tim Ferris is cool and all, but as you can see, your ideal lifestyle can dance to a completely different beat from his or mine. It's all about what lights up your soul. Ready to carve out where your focus should go? 🌟


Crafting your life with purpose is a worthwhile investment of your time, energy, and focus. While the inspiration from folks like Tim Ferris is great, remember, your design is all about you and your current life stage.

Seize the moment while these ideas are fresh in your mind; sketch out what your dream life looks like. Now, here's the deal – your ideal lifestyle will evolve as you navigate through different life chapters. So, don't get too hung up on rigid expectations. Keep your vision broad and adaptable, leaving room for multiple routes to reach it.

Wishing you all the luck as you take that initial step down the road less traveled. Define your ideal lifestyle vision now, and let the adventure begin! 🌈✨

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it" Art Williams


  1. Define Your Intentions:

    • Outline your intentions for an intentional life.

    • Be broad and flexible; adapt as life evolves.

  2. Envision Your Ideal Lifestyle:

    • Describe what living intentionally means to you.

    • Focus on the general sense of life on your terms.

    • Align with your unique vision, not someone else's.

  3. Establish Decision-Making Rules:

    • Identify rules for what's "in" and what's "out" in your ideal lifestyle.

    • Cover aspects like finance, relationships, health, etc.

    • Rules don't have to be tied to geography.

  4. Prioritize Areas of Life:

    • Determine 2-3 key areas that contribute most to your vision.

    • Family, career, community, health, finances, etc.

    • Allocate resources (time, energy, focus) accordingly.

Remember, it's all about tailoring these steps to fit your unique journey. Best of luck on this intentional living adventure! πŸš€βœ¨


What is Lifestyle Design


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