Welcome to My World

Where I live our most authentic and happiest life,
one intentional day at a time!

Follow my journey and let your creativity flow. Embrace the essence of being intentional in every step. Every story shared here is a masterpiece in its own right.

 Hey new friends! 

Life Edit & Design (LEAD) is all about helping you take control of your own life. The goal is to help you uncover your true self - the self that ignores the rules and roles society has dictated until now. Your true self is waiting to be let loose!

I believe business is an outlet for creative expression 🧠.  It is a place where YOU get to make the rules and success is completely up to your interpretation.

Solopreneur businesses are, by design, a safe space for exploring what brings you joy.  It is not about the money coming in or out, the number of customers on your list, or any of the trackable stats.

It is about feeling the high vibration of creation.  About bringing an idea into reality.  Giving birth to a seed that was planted in your mind.  When that seed grows into something tangible, success is achieved.

Change your mind, your direction, your ideas.  Embrace the messiness that is the creative process.  Don’t hide your experiments ⚗️ in a dark closet.  Study them in the full light and appreciate the lessons you gathered from the process.  Then put on your lab coat 🥼 and start to create anew with fresh ideas and a brand new perspective.

If you can do this, you are successful!


I believe in living an authentic life 🗺️. Your true self, living according to your own rules. I want you to feel welcomed and safe here - like sitting down with your bestie and having a great chat over a cup of coffee.

In addition, LEAD is about vibrant energy - you live your best life when your vibrations are high and you are in motion. Spend time daily embracing love, joy, and gratitude for being alive.
About Julie Ann
I spent a good portion of my life planning events and conventions. After 28 years in the hospitality industry, I retired and began the "third phase" of my life. I love this phase as I can fully embrace my freedom and control over my day.

I love experimenting with my schedule and what I prioritize in my day. I am trying all kinds of new hobbies and exploring interests as part of my personal bucket list. I am breaking with traditional living and doing things MY WAY. (cue Frank Sinatra here 😄). 

Fun Fact: I love all things puzzles 🧩 - I have recently discovered hidden mystery-style games on my iPad. I sometimes lose all track of time while trying to solve a puzzle and find the sun has set without me noticing.