Design and LIVE the life of your dreams starting now

Join me for the FREE

Inaugural Plan Jam 3-Day Virtual Retreat

August 23-25

Welcome to an extraordinary opportunity: the inaugural Plan Jam Seasonal Retreat awaits you!

Join me for an innovative 3-day virtual experience unlike any other. Together, we'll dive into Autumn with purpose and creativity, crafting a personalized plan to manifest your dreams.

Across interactive sessions blending creativity, reflection, and practical planning, you'll design a Fall roadmap tailored to your goals.

By retreat's end, you'll not only be set for success but also have a plan to get you through the end of the year.

Embrace this season with clarity, purpose, and fulfillment. Your journey begins here—let's create something amazing together!

What is Plan Jam going to do for you:

  • Get “unstuck” - If life has been feeling stale and unfulfilling, this retreat will ignite a bonfire in you and get on a path that feels alive and as vibrant as the changing leaves. (No fire extinguishers required but you might want to know where you keep yours just in case. 😂)

  • Silence the critics (including the one between your ears) - If are ready to put the haters in their place - and yes this includes your biggest hater - your inner voice - you will love the Day 1. There’s an amazing session that goes all “MacGyver with duct tape” (ok we don’t really use duct tape and I know I’m showing my age but hey, I’m keeping things interesting.)

  • Kick Chaos in the Buttocks - If you feel like Fall hits you like a ton of bricks with ramped up schedules, frenetic to-do lists, and everyone wanting a piece of you, you will love the session on kicking chaos to the curb.

The 360° approach will touch all areas of your daily life.

Here are some of the things you can expect:

  • A completely different angle to setting goals that vibe with Autumn's rhythm - no SMART goals here baby

  • Learn how the rest of the world is totally out of sync with Autumn and get aligned in a way that is magically simple and Lucky Charms delicious

  • Create habits that move the happiness needle and match the shorter days - ditch the water and step-tracking

  • Lay the groundwork now so that you can enjoy the holiday season and reduce the need to pull your hair out - because darling missing patches of hair isn’t a good look for you.

In total transparency, I created this retreat for myself and included all the things I wanted to work on to make my favorite season even more amazing. but I didn’t want to do it alone. Doing things with others always amplifies the experience so as I share what I love I will be learning new ideas from you. This is such a win-win experience for both of us. I hope you are as excited as I am - let’s collaborate and build an awesome Autumn together.

If we haven’t met and you are wondering who the heck is writing this off-the-wall sales page - Howdy. I’m Julie Ann, and I am recovering perfectionist. In that past this has caused me to write boring sales pages so consider this therapy. I’m a professional planner with 30 years experience leading to a serious-problem. (Get it - my problem is being too serious? Again, I’m in therapy for that -how’s it working? 😂.) Anyway, I’m glad your here and if you are actually reading these sentences then I know your my people and we are going to have a great time together - recovering perfectionists united!!!

Why Free?

I’m so glad you asked. Here’s the deal, I want this experience to be unique and I am trying some goofy, out-of-the-box things. I want to know how effective they are so I am launching this first retreat free to anyone willing to be a beta-tester. As a beta-tester, you agree to roll with the tech gremlins and unplanned moments with a sense of humor and kindness towards me, your hostess.

You also agree to provide honest-to-goodness feedback. I need to know what worked and what didn’t but hey - no hater’s here. Just give me love and constructive feedback in equal doses.

You also agree to show up. Show up for yourself. Show up for the better version of you that is just waiting to come out and play.

In exchange for you showing up, providing feedback, and being kind, I promise to deliver to you a totally unique Autumn planning experience. I don’t want to give away the quirky and fun things I have planned but I promise to show up for you and give you my absolute best.

This session will focus on Fall, but the impact will be much longer lasting…and, of course, I will be following it up with a Holiday Season masterpiece to keep the momentum going.

Here are all the details you need to know:

Dates: August 23 - 25, 2024

Times: This retreat is Semi-Live meaning there will be scheduled live chats and the content will be available according to a schedule. You are free to participate as your personal schedule allows throughout the weekend

Location: Anywhere in the world - it’s virtual. I will be planning for Autumn, so if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you will still get tons of value but some of the “fallish” elements will have to be switched out for summer (and yes spell check, I did make up a new word. Deal with it.)

Cost to Attend: Free - Yippee! Why free, because this is the maiden voyage of this retreat series and I need honest feedback. When you sign up for this event, you are agreeing to be a beta tester. This means you MUST bring a sense of humor because life and tech will happen.


Number One - If you can’t tell, I prioritize fun and if we are going to hang out together, you need to be willing to smile, laugh, and be a goofball with me.

Number Two - We will use YouTube for our live video portions, Slack for our interactive chats, and Teachery for retreat content. I will also have some Canva graphics that you can customize. All of these are free and I will guide you through set-up before the weekend - so no worries - your end of tech will be easy.

Number Three - Some kind of planning tool. I will provide a Notion workbook for you but you do not have to use it if Notion isn’t your thaaang. You do you and bring whatever tools turns you on. Notion is free if you do want to use it and again, I got your back with set-up.

So that’s it. Are you in?

You bring your lovely self, I will deliver my best and together we will plan an amazing Fall. Get yourself on the list to attend below. Once you sign up, I will send you a series of emails with links to pre-planning materials so we can hit the ground running on the retreat weekend.

See you August 23-25!!!